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The Book


Tales of a Woman at War....with the Military System

Relevant, relatable, and quite frankly remarkable. Diane personifies all that our Armed Forces should be about, but are no longer about - driven out by the wilful injustice within.

What memories this evokes ! We have moved so far..and yet so little.

Serving Army Major, Royal Engineers


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Copyright © Diane Allen (2020)

The right of Diane Allen to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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First published (2020)

ISBN 978-1-912964-37-6 (Paperback)

Cranthorpe Millner Publishers

Marble Surface

Book Summary

Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) Di Allen  was one of the first women at Sandhurst. Sandhurst was so unprepared there were no boots small enough for women and no beds for them (a recurrent theme). She served in the regular army, then in the reserves. She moved through the ranks into more senior leadership, creating new intelligence units and encouraging modernisation. But with each success she achieved, resistance from those in charge increased.


In November 2018, Diane received an OBE for her services. By November 2019, she had started a messy divorce with the British Army, after facing severe misogyny. This is her account of her time in service with the military; the comical, the tragic, the painful and the honest story of a woman for whom the Army will always be her true family.

Marble Surface
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